
Showing posts from March, 2009

Holy Week

There are many opportunities for worship and for me to preach throughout this coming week. I shall endeavour to post the texts of my sermons here as soon as they are completed, and the audio of my sermons as soon after worship as I can. So check back here regularly for updates. As always I would enjoy your feedback and your comments. You can send them to me via email at Palm Sunday Sermon - Written - Text - Audio Monday of Holy Week - Written - Text - Audio Tuesday of Holy Week - Audio Only Wednesday of Holy Week - Audio Only Maundy Thursday - Written - Text - Audio Good Friday - Written - Text - Audio The Easter Vigil - Written - Text - Audio Easter Day - Written - Text - Audio Our worship schedule for Holy Week will be found on the Parish Website

Technology is great...

When it works AND when you remember to turn on the recorder. Unfortunately I did not capture the audio of my sermon for this Third Sunday in Lent. You will have to content yourself with the text format only. Which you can find by clicking HERE I'll try to do better next week.

Lent 2

I have published my sermon in both audio and text format. You can access it by clicking HERE Your feedback is gratefully received.

Lent 1

The sermon I offered this Sunday, the First Sunday in Lent, can be found by clicking HERE Your feedback and comments are valuable to me.