
Showing posts from September, 2009

... And Gone Again...

This week I will be away to attend a meeting of Provincial Synod . The Ecclesiastical Province of Canada is that area of the Canadian Church from Montreal to Newfoundland. We take councel together once ever three years. I was elected as a delegate to this session almost two years ago and now it is time to go. Synod runs from September 10-13. Please pray for our deliberations and for all those who will be traveling to and from Gander, NF during this time. Until my return...

Home again

I've been away for three Sundays - Two for work (the Ask & Imagine High School Program) and one for vacation. I return with a sermon based in my experiece of Ask & Imgaine. You can find it in audio (posted Sunday) and text (posted Saturday) by clicking HERE I wold welcome your valuable feedback.