The First Day

Sunday was the first "real" day of the program as it was the first full day. And full it was.

We began with a series of "introduction" games that helped us connect with each other and give us a little bit more information about each other.

After that we discussed the nature of what community looks like. The eight pillars of community are:

A Place of Safety,
Intimacy & Vulnerablity
Ability to Fight with Grace
A Spirit
Shared Wisdom

After a brief nap - yes "siesta" is part of our daily schedule - we began the formal educational component of the program. Judy Steers taught us a crash course in "What is Theology?" Explaining the difference between good theology and bad theology she said, "A good theology is that which allows for God to be fully God and for humans to be fully human." We explored the nature of what theology is and how it came to be.

The evening saw us engaging in "Blob Time" - best way to explain this is to send you to their website:

Then it was time to wrap up the day with worship. We offered God our thanksgivings through a celebration of Eucharist. During which we formally recognized the creation of this community and we heard Janet tell us the Godly Play story of "The Great Family". We broke bread together and enjoyed the solemnity of the worship.

I fell into bed completely wiped out and that's why you're reading this on Monday.

Until the next post...


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