
Showing posts from May, 2006

Going on Vacation

I will be on vacation for the next two weeks. Of particular note during this vacation is I will be going all the way to Calgary to witness my friend Heather Fournier get married to David Jones. Heather and I are friends from way back she is the closest thing I have to a sister and I am really looking forward to helping her celebrate this momentous occassion in their lives. Services while I am away will be lead by the Lay Leaders of the Parish and are scheduled for: 21 May 2006 - The Sixth Sunday of Easter 9am Morning Prayer, St. Andrew's, Neil's Harbour 11am Morning Prayer, St. John's, Ingonish 28 May 2006 - The Ascension of our Lord 9am Morning Prayer, St. John's, Ingonish 11am Morning Prayer, St. Andrew's, Neil's Harbour If an emergency arises that requires a priest please contact one of the Parish Wardens who will get in touch with the Priest-on-Call. I will return from my vacation on the 1st of June. Hope to see you then.

14 May 2006 - The Fifth Sunday of Easter

This week is a special week in our parish. In addition to it being Mothers' Day we will also be asking God's blessing on our Fishing Fleets. So our services this week are scheduled for: 9am Holy Eucharist and Blessing of the Fleet, St. John's , Ingonish 11am Holy Eucharist and Blessing of the Fleet, St. Andrew's, Neil's Harbour Also at 12noon St. Andrew's Church Hall is hosting their annual Lobster Luncheon Fund Raiser. Come early!

7 May 2006 - The Fourth Sunday of Easter

Our services this week are scheduled for: 9am Holy Eucharist, St. Andrew's, Neil's Harbour 11am Holy Eucharist, St. John's, Ingonish Come let us worship!