
I awoke this morning and was quite perturbed to find myself in pain. I have a bit of a wonky back and every now and then it says to me, "Hey, idiot, you did too much the last couple of days and now I'm going to punish you!" So with a pain in my back I got out of bed and had to tell the team that I had to be on "light duty" today so that I could let my back get the rest it needs. The team is very understanding and they gave me the space I needed... they even washed my dishes for me so that I would not have to stoop down over the very low sink we have here (thanks Allie and Andrew!)

Today was filled with group building activities for the leadership team which I participated as best I could with my back in the state it was. We shared in a couple of games, a couple of initiative tasks, a couple of sharing opportunities to tell where we were coming from and what we were carrying with us as we begin.

After lunch the mentors of the program sat with Judy and discussed how to do "interrogatory theology" - a key component to this program and we engaged it by learning what it is and then putting it to use. Interrogatory theology is the process by which we engage the participants in this program and give them the space and opportunity to ask the questions that are burning within them. The ask the questions and then we gently guide them by asking questions of their questions and helping them to come to find their own answers or at least to ask better questions. We do not provide answers here... we help with the questions.

After supper we all joined together for one of my favourite parts of this program... drumcircles! Each of us chose an instrument that "spoke" to us and we played music together. Drumcircles begin when they begin; they end when they end; and everyone had to listen to each other. We did three sessions in all. Each one very different from the last and each of them beautiful in their own way.

Finally we were all sent off to write an inspirational devotional that will be given to each participant during the course of the program. These are designed to give the participants an opportunity to reflect and engage some material that is centred around something we have experienced in our lives. And then there are some questions to engage at the end. If you are interested in what I wrote I will post it (but not until after it goes to the participants)... stay tuned.

I head to bed tonight free of the pain I began the day with, thankfully. It has been a day of revelations and learning.

Until tomorrow...


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