
Monday saw the beginning of the formal educational portion of this program. Well, we have been learning lots before today just now we've moved into an actual classroom is all. The participants met the Rev. Canon Bill Cliff who began to teach them how to read scripture in a whole new way. Having had been here last year I sort of knew what was coming. I am always profoundly moved by what Bill has to say but this time I actually got to watch the participants be profoundly moved by what Bill had to say and it was something to behold.

Bill taught us about problems of intrepretation and how sometimes the Bible can be translated with an agenda and we need to be careful about that and not be afraid to ask the question, "Is this what it really says?" He taught us about his three laws of Biblical intrepetation. And we used them to look at two Parables of Jesus (the treasure in the field and the pearl of great price). When they were presented with the idea that WE are the treasure and WE are the pearl while God is the farmer and merchant the gasps were audible.

God is searching for us, individually, and He will give everything away - everything - to find us and when He does find us He will rejoice! Think about that for a little while...

After a short break we went to our Exploratory Groups - I went to one on Justice and Music. We heard Andrew read us the story of creation told through the eyes of the heavenly host and it was powerful, meangingful and moving. We looked at Psalm 72 and what that teaches us about justice. We decided that it defines justice in this way: "Justice is helping those who are oppressed by giving aid and hold them up AND justice is turning toward the oppressor and doing all you can to show them why they need to stop." Think abou thtat for a little while...

After lunch and a break we came together in the classroom for a workshop called True Colours where we were sorted by our personality type. Our presentor, Karen Kloibhofer, was amazing! For those of you who have done this before I am a "Gold" - surprise, surprise! This workshop was fun and engaging... if I get a pic of the event I'll share it with you.

After supper we met in our small groups and discussed the day that was and how we are going to function as a group. I think my group is pretty well balanced and I'm really looking forward to working with them.

Worship on Monday saw the leadership team teaching about how to lead worship through four movments: Gathering, Hearing the Word, Responding to the Word, Sending Forth. It was powerful and meaningful.

After worship I hung out a bit and then fell into bed.

Tuesday we will be doing more classroom work and I look forward to reporting all that happens... Until anon...



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