Regional Dean Appointment

Bishop Sue Moxley has seen fit to appoint me as Regional Dean for Northumbria effective May 1st 2009. I am humbled to be asked to take on this ministry and am honoured to accept it. What this will mean is that from time to time I will be required to do some work for the Region. I will help chair Regional Council, I will chair the Regional Clericus and I will take my place at the table of other Regional Deans to offer information, and when asked to offer advice to the Bishops. I will have to visit each parish in this Region every two years to ensure that proper records are being kept and the properties are being attended to. In all the work of a Regional Dean is to ensure that proper administration is being attended to in this Region of the Diocese. I look forward to offering this ministry to the Region and to the Diocese. In due course there will be a Regional Celebration to see that I am liturgically installed into this position - the date will be announced shortly. If you have questions about this appointment do not hesitate to contact me.


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