
Saturday morning was a time to polish off the preparations for the arrival of the participants. They began arriving in fits and starts - one here... two there... and then the crew arrived from the east coast - 8 strong! The rooms began to fill up and people began milling around and meeting others. The group as a whole seems to be quite strong and quite mature. I am getting the feeling that there is nothing they can't do as a group. It's quite exciting.

The afternoon and evening were spent in "getting to know you" exercises that were designed to be fun and challenging. I now have 14 new names added to my brain, with 14 new faces and 14 new personalities. Some of them I have met before but am able to see them in new light and with new eyes as they take their place in the community we are building.

We were orientated to the program, to the house and to each other. And then we fell into bed.

The day was filled with laughter, thought, conversation and holiness.


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