The First Sunday in Advent is the beginning of the year in the Christian faith. At St. Peter's we observed this by lighting the first candle in the Advent Wreath as well as the children began to decorate our Jesse Tree.
For those who are following along: Here is the written portion of the fourth session of our lenten study group on the liturgies of Holy Week. Please let me know what you think.
Today we covered some of the history behind the Book of Common Prayer and The Book of Alternative Services . Please feel free to download the text and make any comments upon it. Click HERE for the written portion of today's Study Group
Services this week are scheduled for: 11am Holy Eucharist, St. Andrew's, Neil's Harbour 7pm Evening Prayer, St. John's, Ingonish Also our mid-week Eucharist during Lent is scheduled for Wednesday 22 March 2006, 10am, St. John's Ingonish. This service will be followed by the third Session of our Lenten Study Group on Liturgy. During this session we will look at the liturgies of Holy Week - beginning with Palm Sunday and Monday - Wednesday. All are welcome to attend.
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