Science & Theology

Friday morning (yes, I know today is Monday and I haven't posted anything this weekend but I've been on the road to Canterbury Hills... more on that later... so cut me some slack), so, after Fr. Bill cracked open our skulls and played with the goo inside by explaining the myth of redemptive violence we sat with Judy who talked with us about science and theology and how the two are related - in point of fact they are mutually dependant (see Einstein's quote about science and theology some time). I had a little problem with her presentation as it questioned the nature of Divine providence and the plan of God. You might have noticed in how I work that my way of living the Gospel revolves around "God will provide." This is not how Judy works... and that's OK. Judy's main theme is that God cannot know the future because it hasn't happened yet. I think that's too linear for God as God exists outside of time and within time and thus has all of time to see and by times touch (perhaps to play with). After class she and I had a great debate where I called her theology "bad" because it limits the capacity of God to be God (her definition from a few days ago). We had a great debate and both of us left enriched if not swayed.

The afternoon was a special treat. Mr. J.W. Windland came to talk to us about the symbols of various world religions. I'm going to let Jen from Edmonton tell you about this. She wrote the following for our "Daily Email Update":

Once lunch and siesta was finished we spent 3 hours with JW Windland from the Encounter World Religions Centre in Guelph, Ontario ( learning about different symbols, clothing, practices and theologies of world religions. The religions we talked about included First Nations/Native Spirituality, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, and Sikhism. There were many different symbols for each and they were pretty darn awesome. Many, many, many pictures were taken from my camera. I really liked the authentic clothing that we got to see because it was interesting to find out that there was meaning behind the clothing.

I'll tell you all bout my evening off on Friday in my next post.


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