Mind blowing education...

Today we met the Reverend Canon Bill Cliff who is the Chaplain and Rector here at Huron College. He will be teaching us about how to study the Bible. His manner of teaching is extremely helpful. I think I learned more useful information about Biblical study in an hour and a half than I did in my entire master's degree! He's that good.

One thing that I found to be extremely "mind blowing" (which seems to be the phrase of the community) is a totally new way to look at the story of Zaccheus. He was the man who could not see Jesus because he was short in stature. So, because of the crowd Zaccheus climbed a sycamore tree to get a better look at him. Fr. Bill explained that this quite obviously meant that it is Jesus who was short in stature.

Look at it again. Zaccheus could not see Jesus because HE was short in stature. The person being referred to in the HE is Jesus! This caused me to, in a matter of a few short seconds, re-envision the physical person of Jesus. All of my life I had pictured Jesus as a tall-ish, thin man - someone I could look in the eye from my six foot height.

Now with this new realization my perception of the physical presence of Jesus has completely changed. You might be asking, "Why is this important? So what?" It's just this - every culture that has embraced Jesus has often crafted Jesus in their own image. I've seen many Christmas Cribs with cultural features: the Asian Madonna, the Latino baby Jesus, the blond-haired-blue-eyed Jesus praying to his heavenly Father, etc. I had always looked upon them with a modicum of disdain really. NOT ANY MORE! Jesus is who he is to whom ever is looking upon him and crying for his presence in their lives.

The second class revolved around theological practise and what that means and what that looks like. Judy shared with us that "we are compelled to talk about something like 'God'. Not that God is something fictitious but that 'God' is a human word that we have constructed." She taught us an Arabic phrase to illustrate this: "Allahu akbar" which means "God is greater." No matter what definition or word we give for God - Allahu akbar - God is greater.

She asked us to reflect upon five questions, or rather five "finish this sentence" as an assignment for next time:
1. God calls me to...
2. I follow Jesus by...
3. Sin is...
4. Being human means...
5. Redemption is achieved by...

When I finish my assignment I'll post it for you to read.

The day's education came to its conclusion with a workshop called "True Colours". This helped us sort ourselves into our personality types (I'm a GOLD). The workshop was fun and entertaining as well as extremely informative.

After supper our small groups met to theologically reflect upon the events of the day and we concluded the evening with a very contemplative and beautiful Compline service in the Huron Chapel. We used a bunch of candles and even burned a little incense (ahhhh the smell of heaven.)

I'm off to bed now so that I may be well rested for the experience of tomorrow.



  1. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Hello Dear,
    Wonderful things are happening there.
    Will you explain what the colours mean?
    Please say "hello" to Maggie. We read her statement. Judy Steers sent. Or, was that you who sent it? I hope they continue.


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