Study Group Session Four

For those who are following along: Here is the written portion of the fourth session of our lenten study group on the liturgies of Holy Week. Please let me know what you think.


  1. The Triduum is alternatively described as Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Or my favourite: Thursday, Friday, Sunday. That is, Easter Vigil, being after sunset, is a Sunday, not a a Saturday service. Thus Holy Saturday is the only day of the whole year without its own service. An empty day.

    Except the office. I don't know about the Anglican office, but in the RC, Holy Saturday's office has the only liturgical mention of the "Harrowing of Hell," a neglected concept. Righlty or wrongly; I haven't given it much thought. The Orthodox are big on it, and even have icongraphy of Jesus opening Hell. Cool.

    Re: John's snide reference to "the Jews." Think of it like this: John blames "the Jews" for everything like Canadians blame "Ottawa."

    Really, it's not the individuals Ottawans they blame. Well, not my niece and nephew, anyway. My brother-in-law, perhaps, could be to blame for everything, but not the kids! ;-)

    Adele again, also wishing she was there.

  2. Oh Adele! Thank you for that analogy! With your permission I would like to use it in our next session and in future sermons.

    I too wish you could have attended these sessions, your insight and wit would have come in handy!

  3. It is rather neat, isn't it? I'm sure one could think of others, but I like the "Ottawa" one. Go right ahead and use it. And I think I wish more that I was there. I am in great need of discussions of this type.


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