
Showing posts from April, 2018


It was a great joy to preside at my first baptism at St. Peter's.  Good Shepherd Sunday is a wonderful day to become part of the great flock of Jesus. My sermon for this day can be found by clicking HERE I hope your Eastertide celebrations have been joyful.

Humboldt, Syria, Potlotek

Much on my mind has been the accident in Saskatchewan, the ongoing war in Syria, and the desperate water issues in many of our First Nations. These things figure prominently in this week's sermon which you can hear by clicking HERE The photos below are of our two congregations wearing their jerseys in support of Humboldt.

Easter Catch Up

Easter has arrived! Alleluia! Sadly I was struck down with a nasty head cold and am only now getting caught up on posting my sermons. My sermon for Easter day can be heard by clicking HERE And my sermon for the Second Sunday of Easter can be found by clicking HERE I hope your Eastertide has begun peacefully.