
Showing posts from March, 2008

Easter Continues

The festival of Easter carries on until Pentecost! Alleluia! HERE is my sermon for this week. I'd love to hear what you think.

"A New Command"

I have been asked by the Catholic Women's League to come and address them as a "special guest speaker". Their theme for the last few years has been "Love One Another" and so with that in mind I offer this reflection for them and for you. "A New Command" Please feel free to offer me your comments and feedback.

Holy Week

There are many opportunities for worship and to preach throughout this coming week. I shall endeavour to post my sermons here as soon as they are completed, so check back here regularly for updates. As always I would enjoy your feedback and your comments. Palm Sunday Sermon - Written & Posted Maundy Thursday - Written & Posted The Easter Vigil - Written & Posted Easter Day - Written & Posted For those of you who are wondering we have a special guest preacher for Good Friday. The Reverend Dennis Hayward will be with us on that occasion. If it is possible I will post it here. Our service schedule for Holy Week can be found on the Parish Blog.

Lent 5

Lent is all too quickly coming to its exciting conclusion. My sermon for the Fifth Sunday in Lent can be found by clicking HERE Please do me the great honour of offering me your feedback and your comments.

Mothering Sunday

This Sunday marks the mid-point of our Lenten journey. HERE is my sermon for Sunday. HERE is the written component to our Lenten Study Group on the Sacraments. Your feedback is valuable to me.