
Showing posts from February, 2006

Services this Week

1 March 2006 - Ash Wednesday : This day marks the beginning of the great season of Lent. Services are scheduled for: 10am Holy Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes, St. Andrew's, Neil's Harbour 7pm Holy Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes, St. John's, Ingonish 5 March 2006 - The First Sunday in Lent Services are scheduled for: 11am Holy Eucharist, St. Andrew's, Neil's Harbour 7pm Evening Prayer, St. John's, Ingonish All are welcome to come and begin their Lenten journey with us.

26 February 2006 - Transfiguration Sunday

The service scheduled for our parish this week is a special Joint Service of Holy Eucharist for the Whole Parish to be held at St. Andrew's Chruch, Neil's Harbour at 11am . Every one is welcome to come and worship at our services.

19 February - Seventh Sunday After Epiphany

Services in our parish this week are scheduled for: 11am Holy Eucharist, St. Andrew's 7pm Evening Prayer, St. John's We will be blessed to have with us a special guest, Ms. Dawn Dickieson will be our preacher. Dawn is an ordinand with our diocese and will be ordained a deacon on the 31st of May 2005.

12 February 2006 - Sixth Sunday after Epiphany

Services in the parish are scheduled for: 11am Holy Eucharist (using a liturgy from Manicaland , Zimbabwe), St. John's, Ingonish This service will be followed by our Annual General Meeting at St. John's Hall 7pm Evening Prayer, St. Andrew's, Neil's Harbour All are welcome to our services of worship.