
Showing posts from March, 2005

The Late Thomas "Tommy Cod" Turner

There will be a Celebration of the Life of Tommy Turner on Friday 1 April 2005, 2pm at St. Andrew's Church, Neil's Harbour. Tommy died yesterday after a brief stay in hospital. There will be a wake held at All Soul's Chapel, Neil's Harbour tomorrow from 7-9pm. Rest eternal grant unto him, O Lord. And may light perpetual shine upon him. Amen.

Sunday 3 April 2005 - Second Sunday of Easter

Our services this week are scheduled for: 11am Holy Eucharist, St. John's, Ingonish 7pm Evening Prayer, St. Andrew's, Neil's Harbour All are welcome at our services of worship.


Alleluia! Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia! A most happy Easter to all my Christian friends. Our services for Holy Week were wonderful and moving! It was a lot of work and worth every moment of it! The Altar Servers and Altar Guilds are to be commended on all their very hard work! Thank you! For now though I am off to eat some chocolate and put my feet up for a couple of days. Blessings on this holy season. Alleluia! Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia!

Service Schedule

So, in case any one is interested here is the schedule of services in our Parish: Holy Week Schedule, 2005 Palm Sunday 20 March 2005 11am Joint Family Service of Holy Eucharist with Liturgy of the Palms, St. Andrew’s, Neil's Harbour Monday in Holy Week 21 March 2005 10am Holy Eucharist, St. Andrew’s Tuesday in Holy Week 22 March 2005 10am Holy Eucharist, St. John’s, Ingonish Wednesday in Holy Week 23 March 2005 7pm Holy Eucharist, St. Andrew’s Maundy Thursday 24 March 2005 7pm Institution of the Lord’s Supper with Foot Washing and Stripping of the Altar, Joint Service, St. John’s Good Friday 25 March 2005 11am Celebration of the Lord’s Passion, St. Andrew’s 1pm Celebration of the Lord’s Passion, St. John’s 3pm Ecumenical Service, St. Peter’s, Ingonish Beach Holy Saturday 26 March 2005 8:30pm The Easter Vigil, Joint Service, St. Andrew’s Easter Day 27 March 2005 9am Holy Euchari...

Fr. Elliott has arrived on the Blog

I just had to get on the band-wagon!